宇部の木 Tree of Ube
アカマツ ‹ 約70年 › アクリル pine ‹About 70 years old ›, acrylic
3.5 x 2 x 3.5 (m) 2015
Does a tree stump stop living when it ceases to draw breath? Its roots intricately stretch
out without end. We cannot know everything about a tree from the tip of its roots all the
way to the tip of its branches. But by looking at those deeply burrowing roots, we can feel
the tree breathing. “The Tree of Ube” is just as the name implies a tree in Ube. I looked for
it and encountered it in Ube, and pull it out of the ground. A tree that you search for yourself,
find and unearth is unique indeed. I scooped up the soil, shook the roots and wielded my
pickaxe. In this action, the roots show me how sturdy and strong they are. Every single part
communicates to me and takes my thoughts deeper and deeper.